Hooks are a new addition in React that lets you use state and other React features without writing a class. This website provides easy to understand code examples to help you learn how hooks work and inspire you to take advantage of them in your next project.
This hook makes it super easy to utilize media queries in your component logic. In our example below we render a different number of columns depending on which media query matches the current screen width, and then distribute images amongst the columns in a way that limits column height difference (we don't want one column way longer than the rest).
You could create a hook that directly measures screen width instead of using media queries, but this method is nice because it makes it easy to share media queries between JS and your stylesheet. See it in action in the CodeSandbox Demo.
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
function App() {
const columnCount = useMedia(
// Media queries
["(min-width: 1500px)", "(min-width: 1000px)", "(min-width: 600px)"],
// Column counts (relates to above media queries by array index)
[5, 4, 3],
// Default column count
// Create array of column heights (start at 0)
let columnHeights = new Array(columnCount).fill(0);
// Create array of arrays that will hold each column's items
let columns = new Array(columnCount).fill().map(() => []);
data.forEach((item) => {
// Get index of shortest column
const shortColumnIndex = columnHeights.indexOf(Math.min(...columnHeights));
// Add item
// Update height
columnHeights[shortColumnIndex] += item.height;
// Render columns and items
return (
<div className="App">
<div className="columns is-mobile">
{columns.map((column) => (
<div className="column">
{column.map((item) => (
// Size image container to aspect ratio of image
paddingTop: (item.height / item.width) * 100 + "%",
<img src={item.image} alt="" />
// Hook
function useMedia(queries, values, defaultValue) {
// Array containing a media query list for each query
const mediaQueryLists = queries.map((q) => window.matchMedia(q));
// Function that gets value based on matching media query
const getValue = () => {
// Get index of first media query that matches
const index = mediaQueryLists.findIndex((mql) => mql.matches);
// Return related value or defaultValue if none
return typeof values[index] !== "undefined" ? values[index] : defaultValue;
// State and setter for matched value
const [value, setValue] = useState(getValue);
() => {
// Event listener callback
// Note: By defining getValue outside of useEffect we ensure that it has ...
// ... current values of hook args (as this hook callback is created once on mount).
const handler = () => setValue(getValue);
// Set a listener for each media query with above handler as callback.
mediaQueryLists.forEach((mql) => mql.addListener(handler));
// Remove listeners on cleanup
return () =>
mediaQueryLists.forEach((mql) => mql.removeListener(handler));
[] // Empty array ensures effect is only run on mount and unmount
return value;
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
function App() {
const columnCount = useMedia<number>(
// Media queries
["(min-width: 1500px)", "(min-width: 1000px)", "(min-width: 600px)"],
// Column counts (relates to above media queries by array index)
[5, 4, 3],
// Default column count
// Create array of column heights (start at 0)
let columnHeights = new Array(columnCount).fill(0);
// Create array of arrays that will hold each column's items
let columns = new Array(columnCount).fill().map(() => []) as Array<
(data as DataProps[]).forEach((item) => {
// Get index of shortest column
const shortColumnIndex = columnHeights.indexOf(Math.min(...columnHeights));
// Add item
// Update height
columnHeights[shortColumnIndex] += item.height;
// Render columns and items
return (
<div className="App">
<div className="columns is-mobile">
{columns.map((column) => (
<div className="column">
{column.map((item) => (
// Size image container to aspect ratio of image
paddingTop: (item.height / item.width) * 100 + "%",
<img src={item.image} alt="" />
// Hook
const useMedia = <T>(queries: string[], values: T[], defaultValue: T) => {
// Array containing a media query list for each query
const mediaQueryLists = queries.map((q) => window.matchMedia(q));
// Function that gets value based on matching media query
const getValue = () => {
// Get index of first media query that matches
const index = mediaQueryLists.findIndex((mql) => mql.matches);
// Return related value or defaultValue if none
return values?.[index] || defaultValue;
// State and setter for matched value
const [value, setValue] = useState<T>(getValue);
() => {
// Event listener callback
// Note: By defining getValue outside of useEffect we ensure that it has ...
// ... current values of hook args (as this hook callback is created once on mount).
const handler = () => setValue(getValue);
// Set a listener for each media query with above handler as callback.
mediaQueryLists.forEach((mql) => mql.addListener(handler));
// Remove listeners on cleanup
return () =>
mediaQueryLists.forEach((mql) => mql.removeListener(handler));
[] // Empty array ensures effect is only run on mount and unmount
return value;