
Easy to understand React Hook recipes by
What's all this about?

Hooks are a new addition in React that lets you use state and other React features without writing a class. This website provides easy to understand code examples to help you learn how hooks work and inspire you to take advantage of them in your next project.

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Detect whether the mouse is hovering an element. The hook returns a ref and a boolean value indicating whether the element with that ref is currently being hovered. Just add the returned ref to any element whose hover state you want to monitor. One potential bug with this method: If you have logic that changes the element that hoverRef is added to then your event listeners will not necessarily get applied to the new element. If you need this functionality then use this alternate version that utilizes a callback ref.

// Usage
function App() {
  const [hoverRef, isHovered] = useHover();

  return <div ref={hoverRef}>{isHovered ? "😁" : "☹️"}</div>;

// Hook
function useHover() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(false);

  const ref = useRef(null);

  const handleMouseOver = () => setValue(true);
  const handleMouseOut = () => setValue(false);

    () => {
      const node = ref.current;
      if (node) {
        node.addEventListener("mouseover", handleMouseOver);
        node.addEventListener("mouseout", handleMouseOut);

        return () => {
          node.removeEventListener("mouseover", handleMouseOver);
          node.removeEventListener("mouseout", handleMouseOut);
    [ref.current] // Recall only if ref changes

  return [ref, value];
// Usage
function App() {
  const [hoverRef, isHovered] = useHover<HTMLDivElement>();

  return <div ref={hoverRef}>{isHovered ? "😁" : "☹️"}</div>;

// Hook
// T - could be any type of HTML element like: HTMLDivElement, HTMLParagraphElement and etc.
// hook returns tuple(array) with type [any, boolean]
function useHover<T>(): [MutableRefObject<T>, boolean] {
  const [value, setValue] = useState<boolean>(false); 

  const ref: any = useRef<T | null>(null);

  const handleMouseOver = (): void => setValue(true);
  const handleMouseOut = (): void => setValue(false);

    () => {
      const node: any = ref.current;
      if (node) {
        node.addEventListener("mouseover", handleMouseOver);
        node.addEventListener("mouseout", handleMouseOut);

        return () => {
          node.removeEventListener("mouseover", handleMouseOver);
          node.removeEventListener("mouseout", handleMouseOut);
    [ref.current] // Recall only if ref changes

  return [ref, value];
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